preventive dentist in Middletown

Preventative Dental Treatment in Middletown, NJ


Preventative Dental Treatment

Check Ups & Diagnostics

We get it, it can be a bit too easy to put off your bi-annual dental exam and we don't blame you, life gets busy! But remember, skipping your appointments can cost even more time and money in the future. Coming in twice a year allows us to catch small issues before they become time-consuming, expensive problems. Regular check-ups only take about an hour and we assure you that we will make it a comfortable process. Let's keep that smile of yours healthy with our excellent preventive services. Call (732) 630-0021 today to schedule an appointment!

Preventative Dental Treatment

Emergency Dental Treatment

Dental emergencies can be painful, stressful experiences, but we're here to help. If you're experiencing a dental emergency, the first thing to do is take a deep breath and keep calm. Then, give us a call to find out if you need immediate care. Dental emergencies can be anything from a knocked out tooth or dental work to a persistent toothache. If you're unsure if what you're experiencing qualifies as a dental emergency, it's better to be safe than sorry, so get in touch with us right away so you can get the care you need when you need it from our Middletown dentist.